- Car: VRC Ferrari F310B (121 downloads)
- Manufacturer skins: VRC F310B - Manufacturer Skins (274 downloads)
1.1 Tyres
1.1.1 Ideal “running” pressures: 18 psi, all tyres/compounds.
1.1.2 Ideal running temperatures – within 15 degrees of :-
- 90 – Softs
- 95 – Mediums
- 100 – Hards
2. Changelog (from original):-
- Car was too fast, so slowed it down by reducing braking capability/traction and engine output. Re-balanced the car slightly to make this work.
- Pit times all reduced for league purposes.
- I have also made the tyre compounds a bit more forgiving.
3. TyresFX Compounds